KS Large Bore Pistons Germany GmbH
Karl-Schmidt-Straße, D 74172 Neckarsulm
KS Large Bore Pistons Germany GmbH is a leading manufacturer of high-speed and medium-speed 4-cycle pistons in the diameter range 130 – 700 mm. In addition, KS develops and produces components for the hydrogen and process industry. Furthermore, we are characterized by our openness and flexibility for new, future projects in the field of power generation – and distribution. We offer our customers the complete value-added process, from the initial concept to simulation, series production and service support. Particularly noteworthy is our knowledge in the field of high-precision component manufacturing.
KS is focusing on the opportunities to develop its products on the basis of future, cost-effective manufacturing processes. The future world of alternative fuel piston engines and their requirements for PCU components is another area of interest. Within the project, the following points are to be considered:
- Wear behavior and lubricating oil consumption with turned and ground ring grooves
- Wear behavior when using new/alternative fuels (e.g. mixed gases; H2)
- What adjustments are necessary to ensure that the future piston will function under the expected new requirements in subsequent series production?